Mastodon(mt.shc.kanagawa.jp), Pleroma(pr.shc.kanagawa.jp), and 3 other services are down
Pleroma(pr.shc.kanagawa.jp), Misskey(mk.shc.kanagawa.jp), NextCloud (cloud.shc.kanagawa.jp), and 1 other resource went down.

Schedule Maintenance Tuesday 26
We plan maintenance on Tuesday, hold onto your hats!
Event Type: Storage Upgrade
Start Time: 2024-11-26 2:00:00 UTC
開始時刻 2024/11/26 11:00:00 日本時間
End Time: 2024-11-26 3:00:00 UTC
終了時刻 2024/11/26 12:00:00 日本時間

Pleroma(pr.shc.kanagawa.jp) is down
Pleroma(pr.shc.kanagawa.jp) went down.

Schedule Maintenance Tuesday 12
We plan maintenance on Tuesday, hold onto your hats!
Event Type: Network Upgrade
Start Time: 2024-11-11 19:00:00 UTC
開始時刻 2024/11/12 4:00:00 日本時間
End Time: 2024-11-11 21:00:00 UTC
終了時刻 2024/11/12 6:00:00 日本時間
We schedule higher impact maintenance events during off-peak times to reduce impact to customer infrastructure. Our engineers make every effort to minimize system impact, however, network reachability to instances may be affected for some, or all, of the scheduled maintenance window as we perform this work. While it’s important to be aware of start and end times of the maintenance window, due to our redundant network architecture, our engineers expect that you may see little to no impact at all while the work is performed.

Pleroma(pr.shc.kanagawa.jp) is down
Pleroma(pr.shc.kanagawa.jp) went down.

Planned Maintenance on Tuesday 5
We plan maintenance on Tuesday, hold onto your hats!
Our Cloud Storage team will be performing upgrades to our Object Storage infrastructure starting at 2024-11-04 16:00:00 UTC.
During this maintenance window, creating, attaching, and deletion of Drive files may be temporarily unavailable.
Start Time: 2024-11-04 16:00:00 UTC
開始時刻: 2024/11/05 1:00:00 日本時間
End Time: 2024-11-04 18:00:00 UTC
終了時刻: 2024/11/05 3:00:00 日本時間